SAFETYGet high and remain grounded.

In the US, more than 500,000 people per year are treated (1), and more than 300 people die (2) from ladder-related injuries.

  1. US Consumer Product Safety Commission (2014). Unpublished data from the National Injury Information Clearinghouse.
  2. CDC, National Center for Health Statistics (2017): https://wonder.cdc.gov/mcd-icd10.html

My gut tells me that ladders are dangerous more forcefully than any statistic.

The Siding-Jet will cost a little more than sprayers available at farm stores. But you will lose the safety benefit with agricultural sprayers. You will still have to work on a ladder because they do not have the power to deliver high reach. Farm sprayers have smaller motors than the Siding-Jet so they will not spray as high. Farm sprayers use motors powered by batteries to allow mobility in agriculture fields. So after you buy the sprayer, you will have to buy a 12-volt battery, a battery charger, and possibly an extension ladder. The battery and the charger will total to about $200. 

ECONOMY: Save money.

If you have vinyl siding more than 20 feet above ground, then doing it yourself with the Siding-Jet will save money compared to hiring it done.

Starting with the 3rd  cleaning you will save money. We have to clean our vinyl siding once every 2 years. If you spend $350 or more to have your siding cleaned, you will spend more than the cost of the Siding-Jet on your 2nd cleaning. 

You might reduce your cost of the Siding-Jet by sharing the purchase price with a neighbor, or dividing the cost & use through a homeowners association.  Or you can own the sprayer and charge your neighbor to clean their siding.

ECONOMY:  Make money.

Teach your kids to use the Siding-Jet to clean your house.

Make cleaning your house their job. Then give your kids a side hustle cleaning houses in your neighborhood for money. And teach your kids to spend some of this money & to save some. 

The Siding-Jet can also be used to clean vinyl fencing. You use the same method as is used for house cleaning as shown in the video on the HOW tab.

In both of these cases, you might want to order a Siding-Jet with a Direct Current motor. The Direct Current motor runs on power supplied by a 12-volt battery. The Siding-Jet shown in this store runs on 120 volt house current & requires an extension cord to connect to a house outlet. The 12-volt version gives the ability to move to remote sites where we might not have access to house current.

The Siding-Jet can also be used for roof cleaning. But I am not promoting the Siding-Jet for roof cleaning. Roof cleaning introduces additional topics. I want to focus on using the Siding-Jet to clean vinyl siding.